Out The Hood Project
The “Out the HOOD” Explorers Project enables participants to experience career & cultural diversity. Through reading, research and excursions to cultural diverse areas and underexposed careers youth see things outside of their daily surroundings. The cultural aspect assists them in having a greater outlook on why some people do what they do.
Cultures to be explored: Chinese Urban Italian Polish Spanish African Established partnerships: Skaaden Aarps Platinum Sound Recording Studios Agape Internet Cafe Office to Prevent Gun Violence (MOCJ) Julliard School

King Ron Playing For Change Sports Program
Initiated in 2007 as a one day sports and live entertainment event, the King Ron Playing For Change basketball tournament was created to draw youth to hear the message of peace and unity as well as understanding the parallel between the decisions they make and the consequences that may arise.
The demands of the youth have turned this one day event into a Summer Sports Program with a therapeutic component. Not only do youth compete in basketball but they play in memory of a loved one that they have lost to violence. This allows them to have good grief and create a legacy for their loved one.

Heal, Recover, and Grow
Because Healing Isn't Enough
Heal, Recover and Grow provides therapeutic support for those who have lost loved ones to violence. This support helps them create legacies in their loved ones memories and also assists them in their new journey.
Peer support sessions have deemed to be very lucrative for survivors that have participated. By sharing stories, triumphs and standstills families have been restored and given strength for their new journey.
Through support sessions, families are given the voice that have been silenced due to the stigma that comes along with the death of black and brown males (mostly by gun violence). The experience received during these times makes attendees make attendees more relevant to saving the future of families. ​​

Brown Boys Book Club
The Brown Boys Book Club was created to inspire continuous learning and self sustainability for young men of color. Using thought-provoking text that ranges in style, theme and relevance, each title is carefully selected to ensure that while participants are learning, reading is being made "cool" again! The book club focuses on several literary themes such as: history, art, finance, motivation and political science.

B.U.D.S. (Brothers, Uncles, Dads, & Sons) Mentorship Program
B.U.D.S. is a mentorship program designed to bridge the gap between older and younger generations of men. Through interactive workshops and fun activities, younger participants are paired with older mentors who can provide them with guidance, resources, encouragement and wisdom that will help them make good life choices and secure their personal and professional success!